
Jumping Meme

Meme Jumps

This meme that I created relates to my topic because it has to do with Track and Field specifically jumpers. It shows a jumper confused as to what jump they are doing. I feel that being that my target audience is athletes who do track and field they can really relate. A lot of times especially in High School coaches will make you do multiple events so it can be easy to get confused, especially if you are just starting. Many times if you can do one jumping event you can do another whether long, triple, or high jump, this is pretty common.  

In, “The Language of Internet Memes, The Social Media Reader” Davison says, “An internet meme is a piece of culture, typically a joke, which gains influence through online transmission” (122). These memes are very popular especially when it comes to social media. Memes can be shared and spread extremely fast because they are online, they are easy to comprehend because of the visual aspects. When it comes to the framework, Davison proposes three ways in which a meme can be separated by components. They are, “the manifestation, the behavior, and the ideal.”

Ideal has to do with the idea conveyed in the meme. “The ideal dictates the behavior, which in turn creates the manifestation” (123). It is the whole idea behind the image and what exactly is being said. The ideals for my meme would be something like, “jumpers are well rounded” or “if you can high jump you can long jump” vice versa. However, this is not always the case but what a lot of coaches seem to believe.  

The behavior has to do with the actions that take place. “The behavior of the meme creates the manifestation” So the actions or behaviors of my identified meme would be the jumping that is taking place. The girl running represents what she is going to do, the high jumper is the thought in her head, and the ending is how she finishes the long jump.  

The manifestation is what exactly is being looked at or observed from the outside. “It is the set of objects created by the meme, the records of its existence.” This is the arrangements and physical aspects. What my meme is exactly showing is how putting separate pieces together to make one can show what an athlete is thinking or what is on their mind is on. This is shown through multiple images creating one large image with text. 

This specific manifestation can appeal to my target audience because I know this is something they can relate to. It is not only specific to jumpers, this can appeal to runners, hurdlers, throwers anyone really who do multiple events. This can even appeal to other sports team if they play different positions. It shows how switching up can be difficult and challenging.


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